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Jan Vayne - Classical Trancelations (2004)

17 Авг 2006, 18:38

Jan Vayne - Classical Trancelations (2004)

Label:STEP (Stichting Entertainmentretail Promotion)
Catalog#:STEP 2004032
Style:Trance, Modern Classical, Downtempo

Предлагаем вашему вниманию двойной диск, являющийся плодом совместных усилий известного голландского пианиста Jan Vayne, голландского же музыканта, диджея и проюсера Armina van Buurena и большой группы музыкантов с лейбла Armada Music. Данный релиз, включает в себя треки, представляющие из себя trance/chill out версии известных классических произведений таких композиторов как Бетховен, Моцарт, Григ, Вивальди и других.

Jan Vayne In the early nineties the music world was surprised by a number of young musicians who wanted to approach classical music in a contemporary way. Pianist Jan Vayne and Violinist Nigel Kennedy are two of the most well known initiators of this type of music. Averse to tradition and with a longing for freedom, they broke the barriers between popular music and classical music.
Jan Vayne (1966) has made it his task to use this fusion of music in the most diverse way, uncaged and unlabelled. This is first and foremost in the mind of Jan Vayne both in his life and his music. His gift of exceptional improvisation together with a comprehensive education are essential to this. Throughout the years he has worked with various well-known and lesser-known artists, choirs and orchestras, but is also in popular demand as a soloist. Various CD's of Jan Vayne have turned gold and platinum. One of the highlights was a performance in 1997 at the inaugural ball of president Bill Clinton.
In 2004 a new initiative was born after listening to the theme of dance party Sensation. This was a modern variation by dance producers Rank 1 of Mozart's Lacrimosa. Fascinated by this, Jan Vayne approached producer Armin van Buuren to look at a musical project together. A short time later Jan was approached by STEP how classical music could be made more accessible to a wider audience. This resulted in the CD 'Classical Trancelations' and a strong musical friendship between two extremes.
The co-operation with Armin van Buuren is a logical result of a journey searching for common ground within music. Classical becomes pop becomes jazz becomes trance...


01 The Promise Of A New World (Mark Otten Mix) (8:29) - Based On: Dvorak - Symphony 9 "From The New World"
02 Miami Sunset (Markus Schulz Mix) (6:09) - Based On: Faure - Pavane
03 Fruits & Passion (Armin van Buuren's Downtempo Mix) (5:45) - Based On: Satie - Gymnopedie 1
04 Paris (Envio's Chill Mix) (5:30) - Based On: Handel - Messiah
05 Canon Ball (Fred Baker Chill Mix) (3:30) - Based On: Pachelbel - Canon
06 A Concert In The Clouds (Arksun Chill Mix) (1:45) - Based On: Mozart - CIarinetconcerto
07 Laments Of The Lost (Alucard's Chilled Mix) (8:51) - Based On: Bach - Toccata And Fugue
08 Sweet Symphony (Junk Science Mix) (7:13) - Based On: Mozart - "Lacrimosa" From "Requiem"
09 10PM (Subsphere Chillout Mix) (6:04) - Based On: Mozart - Pianoconcerto 23

01 Heaven's Air (Fred Baker vs. Terry Bones Mix) (7:26) - Based On: Bach - "Air" From OrchestraI Suite 3
02 Pictures (Vincent de Moor Mix) (6:00) - Based On: Mussorgsky - Pictures At An Exhibition
03 Welcome To A New World (Fred Baker Mix) (6:57) - Based On: Dvorak - Symphony 9 "From The New World"
04 The Verge (Tim Hornsby Mix) (5:28) - Based On: Mahler - "Adagietto" From Symphony 5
05 The Purple Point (Bobina Mix) (6:38) - Based On: Mozart - Pianoconcerto 23
06 Divided (The Boiler Room Mix) (5:17) - Based On: Schubert - Impromptu 4
07 Dear Lily (Haak Mix) (5:50) - Based On: Beethoven - Mondscheinsonate
08 Air A Pull (C-Quence Mix) (7:15) - Based On: Grieg - "Ase's Death" From Peer Gynt
09 Prosperity In A New World (Signum Mix) (7:53) - Based On: Dvorak - Symphony 9 "From The New World"
10 Mea Culpa (Subsphere Mix) (8:03) - Based On: Chopin - Nocturne
11 2nd Season (Mindsensation Remix) (7:31) - Based On: Vivaldi - "Spring" From The Four Seasons
Total Time: 127:42

Jan Vayne - Classical Trancelations (2004)

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СообщениеДобавлено: 18 Авг 2006, 17:33    Заголовок сообщения:

Спс порелаксировал Улыбочка Правда понравился только 1 сд Улыбочка


СообщениеДобавлено: 22 Авг 2006, 21:58    Заголовок сообщения:

Грустно мне если честно чет не очень, думал будет лучше, а так послушал и стер Равнодушный

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