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Aphex Twin - Donkey Rhubarb (1995)

27 Июн 2006, 6:16

Aphex Twin - Donkey Rhubarb (1995)

Label: Warp Records
Catalog#: WAP 63 CD
Country: UK
Style: IDM

Ещё один старый добрый EP от IDM-кудесника Richard D. James, на этот раз высупающего под своим традиционным сценическим псевдонимом Aphex Twin. Собрание довольно разнообразных по стилистике и настроению треков. Заглавный трек очень позитивный и паталогически жизнерадостный, рекомендую посмотреть клип на этот праздник улыбок (внимание! остерегайтесь медведей-маньяков!). Также не могу не обратить внимание на версию трека Icct Hedral с альбома "I Care Because You Do" того же года, выполненную никем иным как Филипом Глассом в симфонической аранжировке; трек хоть и выпадает частично из стилистики релиза и находится явно за рамками тематики блога, но сам по себе он, на мой взгляд, превосходит по красоте оригинал.
Ned Raggett @ писал(а):
Continuing his twin fascinations with the avant-garde and the humorously populist, James cooks up some fun on this four-song release, which followed I Care Because You Do by some months and borrowed a bit of its cover art. The title track is reminiscent of "On," more stylistically than musically, with a lovely main melody dressed up with quick beats, bleeps, and the like; it's a madcap little whirl that gets more stripped down in the second half before fading out with the lead melody once more. "Vaz Deferenz" is comparatively more straightforward; it's also fast-paced but rides everything a little harder -- it's not "Quoth," for instance, but this is more nervous laughter than giddy. "Pancake Lizard" in contrast has a more deliberate pace, with a rough drum loop offset by soft strings and even a bit of acoustic guitar. The real surprise is a version of "Icct Hedral," an I Care track which is covered here by none other than Philip Glass, a vocal Aphex fan for some time. The connections between avant-techno's minimalism and that of Glass' variety have often been spoken of, but here it finally comes to life, the original's chilly melody made even more serenely beautiful and disturbing all at once thanks to Glass' fine orchestration.

1. Donkey Rhubarb (6:08)
2. Vaz Deferenz (5:50)
3. Icct Hedral (Philip Glass Orchestration) (8:06)
4. Pancake Lizard (4:31)
Total Time: 24:31

Aphex Twin - Donkey Rhubarb (1995)

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