Miranda IM 0.6.2 / 0.7a10w

19 Янв 2007, 14:51

Miranda IM 0.6.2

Зарелизился пожалуй самый продвинутый IM-клиент. Список изменений ниже.


- Improved unicode support in path utilities.
- UPnP routers that use chunked encoding are now supported.
- Added ability to enable/disable sounds globally.


- Tooltips on button controls displayed incorrectly in ANSI version.
- Enabling/disabling first group of sounds in options didn't enable apply button.
- Path in sound options was cut off for long paths.
- Some dialog backgrounds were not using system colors.
- Global hotkeys didn't work correctly.
- AIM: Messages were not received properly.
- AIM: Fixed formatting of outgoing unicode messages (AIM 5.9 was affected).
- ICQ: Fixed compatibility issues with ICQ 6.
- ICQ: Fixed Meebo client detection.


Miranda IM 0.7 alpha build 10w

Build 10 contains numerous changes, fixes and additions:

- main & protocol’s icons are now gotten from the Icon Library. Their settings were migrated from Options - Contact List - Icons to Options - Customize - Icons - Main icons/Status icons. So all Miranda’s icons are customizable now.

WARNING: installing build 10 will make your database incompatible with Miranda 0.6.x & previous builds of 0.7.x. Make a backup before upgrade if icon settings are important to you, and you plan to use this database with the previous builds.

- dbtool got an ability to be translated. A translation file is present in SVN. Also the true Unicode version of dbtool is available now: it can affect the localization and the ability to work with the file names in Unicode. Thanks starkwong for the original translation implementation.

- some bugs in clists & core were fixed.


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