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Electric Universe - Silence In Action (2006)

05 Июн 2006, 14:25

Electric Universe - Silence In Action (2006)

Label:Electric Universe Records / Planet B.E.N. Records
Catalog#:EUCD001 / PBRCD010
Style:Psychedelic Trance

Новый, уже восьмой по счёту, альбом немецкого ветерана гоа/пси транс движения из Гамбурга Boris Blenn'a aka Electric Universe. После закрытия немецкого лейбла Spirit Zone Recordings (рекорд компания,где Blenn выпустил все свои предыдущие альбомы) в прошлом году, Boris решил организовать свой собственный лейбл Electric Universe Records, первым релизом которого и стал его очередной альбом Silence In Action.
abasio на писал(а):

1. Mind Of God - The album kicks off with some nice sounds and a distorted sample and very quickly a 146 BPM kicks in and one of the better rolling baselines I've heard in a while, unfortunatel after a while this is replaced by a much more boring one. It's got loads of energy and would work very well on a dance floor. A very sudden ending is disjointing.

2. Tune Up - Very nice Techy start with a computerised voice sample and nice synths, another 146BPM kicks in and a rather boring baseline does nothing for the track IMO. A sci Fi sample has a very nice sounding voice but quickly gets quite annoying. You can hear something good coming and around 2 and a half minutes a lot of atmosphere struggles to let itself known. Once again this has lots of energy and it progresses quite well, changing and using nice synths, drum rolls and okay melodies. Although at one point after 5 minutes it sounds like he fucked up and couldn't be arsed fixing it.

3. The Self - Follows on from track 3 much more seemlessly than track 2 follows from track 1. It's very similar to Tune Up in that it has nice synths but a crap boring baseline. It sounds identical to the previous one to strat but does get a little more streamlined later on. Once again, lots of energy but nothing really makes you want to listen to it. Nothing grabs your attention and it kinda sounds like a lot of other full on. Not a strong track, it sounds MUCH better in the last minute of the track but I'm afraid by that time it's too little too late.

4. Multiverse - Straight into Generic full on with this track. No intro, no sounds just a fast beat and baseline for over a minute then some disinterested synths which get a little better after a while (Faster and would be awesome on a dancefloor). Quite annoying sample talking about aliens discovering our concepts (boring on the 1st listen just gets annoyin on repeated listens) leads into some melody at last. Drum roll please, cleverly dropped, but dropped into a generic full on beat and rolling baseline. Some nice techy melodies and lots of energy once again but it just doesn't stand out from the crowd (and fullon is now a big crowd)

5. Super Position - More of an intro this time promises more. The start of this track is a lot better than multiverse. Some clever sounds, Great synth work and the baseline is relegated to the background. Unfortunately it beacomes a lot more prominent later on. At this point the track seems to lose something and despite valiant efforts (it really does seem to try) it never recovers. Quite boring after a promising start. Nice energy again, would again probably work quite well on a dancefloor. Am I repeating myself? I get that feeling from this album.

6. Science - Starts of very soft and slow (really disconnected from the track before it) and the beat starts of slower (and Nicer) but gradually gets faster and faster until it drops into a 145BPM. A much better baseline actually sounds pretyy cool but OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!! Electric guitars sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif they sound absolutely awful. Not used well at all and I was so relieved when they stopped but DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN they start up again and become an integral part of a bloody awful track. I've heard electric guitars used pretty well in some tracks but I'm afraid that boy this ain't one of them. Apart from the guitars (which admitedly get a little better right at the end) it's actually quite good but they totally ruin it.

7. Electric Universe - A self titled track, usually I get goosebumps at the thought of a track the artist thought was good enough to name after themself (remember slinky wizard - slinky wizard?). This track then, is well placed in the album because it sounds great when you listen to the whole album through. I'm not saying that it's groundbreaking or even very good but it's okay and when you compare it to the drivel that preceded it you breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy it a lot more than if you had heard it on it's own. Imagine listening to britney spears rap, then listen to Skazi. You realise that it isn't all that bad. There are worse things out there than disappointing music. To be fair though, this is a good full on track. The baseline works well to complement the beat and the synths fit in very well indeed.

8. The Bomb - They really wanted the self titled track to stand out I think because they sandwiched it between the too worst electric guitar ridden pieces of generic guitar fullon shit I've heard recently. As you can guess by the title this track is crap. Absolute crap. No wait it's not crap it's utter, horrible, disgusting, faeces, eating hot poker through the eye then pour lemon juice into the gaping wound CCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
It's painfully bad. If you listen to this and you didn't like science then make SURE you skip this. If you thought science was okay then make SURE you skip this. If you thought science was really good then make SURE you skip this. I don't like rating things with numbers but I'll make an exception for this track 0/10. FUCKING AWFUL PIECE OF SHIT! Should be skipped if you listen to it.

9. Solar Storm - Aaaahhhh!!!! Thank god The Bomb is over. My heads spinning and I'm expecting Solar Storm (even if it's bad) to bring me unimaginable joy. It does smile.gif If I listened to it on it's own I'd probably think it was bad but it's so much better than what I've just put myself through. Stop. I'm going for a beer, hell it's past lunchtime and I deserve it. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Now with the memory of the Bomb just a distant nightmare I can fully unappreciate this track. It's not bad but there is once again absolutely nothing that will grab your attention. Boring and generic but as I said, that's such a relief.

10. Future Excursions - Seemless start from the last track. Starts of nice and slow before the beat kicks in. It's a bit slower at 144BPM and amazingly such a small difference in speed seems to make a big difference in quality. Although after the intro it's a bit boring other than the synths after about 2 minutes and a half it really kicks in with a nice sub beat and a really cool soft baseline and then a very nice strange sounding melody. Rushy sounds in the background and I'm amazed ohmy.gif and angry mad.gif why the hell isn't the rest of the album this good. I have listened to this track on it's own aswell so it's not just the relief factor, it's ACTUALLY quite a good tune. Nothing groundbreaking and it's not worth buying the whole album for but it's good full on. A whole album as good as this would have been much more to my liking.

So to some up. If you don't like full on then don't even bother. You'll hate it.
If you do like full on then you should probably check this out. The first few tracks have a lot of really nice ideas, cool sounds and melodies as does the self titled track and the last track. Even if you like full on though you might want to skip through Science and if you value your ears and mind you will have to skip through The Bomb. It's awful.

01 Mind Of God
02 Tune Up
03 The Self
04 Multiverse
05 Super Position
06 Science
07 Electric Universe
08 The Bomb
09 Solar Storm
10 Future Excursions
Total Time: 75:45

Electric Universe - Silence In Action (2006)


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СообщениеДобавлено: 05 Июн 2006, 23:33    Заголовок сообщения:

Ждал много большего, а так ни одного по настоящему суперского трека... такое чувство, что это какие-то недоделанные остатки от предыдущего альбома, доведенные до ума и в немного более современной реализации. На сиротливые гитарные партии-клоны уже без слез не взглянешь... большой шаг назад по сравнению с предыдущим альбомом в плане изобретательности музыки и маленький вперед в плане техники. В целом так себе на контрасте. Без - четверка твердая.

P.S. Про Spirit Zone не знал... еще один динозавр вымер. Грустно


СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Июн 2006, 0:09    Заголовок сообщения:

Elerium115 писал(а):

P.S. Про Spirit Zone не знал... еще один динозавр вымер. Грустно

Зато Transient вроде бы снова ожил, может и SZR тоже реанимирует через годик.


СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Июн 2006, 0:52    Заголовок сообщения:

Полностью согласен с мнением 115го, только боялся сказать это вслух :-\ Один из треков прям ни дать, ни взять - чистый Meteor! Я уж подумал, что это очередной ремикс, Meteor 2006, пошёл смотреть треклист. Ан, нет, это совсем другой трек, как оказалось!

Если Антаро жив и здравствует, то какова причина закрытия Spirit Zone? Что-то слабо верится в версию про низкий доход Сарказм

P.S. А тому перцу, на чей обзор указал Trancer, тоже не особо понравился альбом, судя по всему Улыбочка
P.S.2 А обложка стильная!


СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Июн 2006, 23:35    Заголовок сообщения:

SZR в последнее время по слухам пользовался дурной популярностью - кидал музыкантов на деньги. Кое-кто из-за этого отказывался с ним сотрудничать вообще.

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