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Planum - Elaborate (2005)

23 Ноя 2005, 18:00

ШЕДЕВР! (поклонникам IM) \\ Олег

Planum - Elaborate (2005)

Label:Sundance Records

Последний на данный момент релиз австралийского лебла Sundance Records (Talpa - The Art of Being Non, Nystagmus - The Immaculate Perception), дебютный альбом проекта Planum. За этим именем скрывается наш соотечественник Илья Барбарыкин из Обнинска. До этого альбома он более 10 лет писал музыку в стиле black metal. Удивление По-моему, его дебют на пситранс сцене вышел вполне удачным. Он сделал очень интересный и неординарный альбом, если бы не последний трек - поставил бы 10/10.

Psychedelic Mustache на писал(а):

Sundance is definently one of my absolute favourite trance-labels and I pretty much blindly purchase everything they release. Both their artist-albums and compilations are usually superb, Nystagmus still spins in my cd-player on a daily basis. That being said, my expectations are through the roof as they release the debut album of the former russian blackmetallist Ilya Barbarykin aka Planum.

01: Deep
"Deep" opens this album, and it starts off darker than what we are used to from sundance. The introduction to both the album and the track sounds very promising, but sadly it drops in intenisty and seems somewhat out of focus. There are some nice melodies in here and the familiar sundance way of tweaking the knobs is also very present. The problem is it moves in to many different directions, and it does not really sound like there is much consistency in it. It also lacks that little extra"edge" that I'm so used to hearing in sundance-releases. Not my favourite track here.

02: More Action
The second track of the album is ceirtanly an uplifting experience, filled with morning melodies from start to finish. I have problems with some of the sounds in here, and unfortunately it does not deliver all the action it promises.

03: Album
After two tracks of dissapointment I'm happy to report that the third track of the album lives up to sundance standards. This has more feeling - there are hints of melancholy and the variation between different themes work better. This is a track with a goal and direction - and the result is a nice experience.

04: Innovate
This is actually one of my favourite tracks on this album. It promises to inovate, and at that I think it fails miserably. There is some unusual work in the rhythm section, but other than that - it's not very innovative. This is pretty plain melodic trance - simple repeatative melodies and 4/4 beats most of the time.That being said - music doen't allways have to be all that complex in order to fulfill its function, and this works pretty good!

05: Disco Planum
Hmm...How to be as diplomatic as possible with this one? Well..I dont like it! That should be diplomatic enough. Let me elaborate. The track is driven by a pretty simple bassline. The melodies used are even more simple, and I miss the multiple layers so often present in Sundance-stuff. With "innovate" I said that simple could be good, but in this case the same does not seem to be true. Strange, isn't it?

06:The lost music
During the intro to "The lost music" I'm once again filled with hope. There is emotion here - and the music builds really well. The melodies aren't to complex, but that doesn't matter here - this is trancey and hypnotic. Definently proof that this guy has some knob-tweaking talent!

07: Aspect
"Aspect" is a track filled with hypnotizing elements and this is actually one of the few tracks on the abum I'm really able to loose my self in. It has a nice buildup and the last two or three minutes should please annyone who's able to slightly enjoy morning-trance. Pretty nice!

08: The future sound of planum
I can ceirtanly understand the title of this track. It's pretty experimental, and in my opinion it moves in way tooo many directions. A great ambient intro is suddenly disrupted by a rather dark, hard rythmically driven section. Then there is a hectic breakbeat-part before we get more rhytmically(and sort of dark)driven 4/4 music. Towards the end there are some pianos and pretty nice melodies as well. My point is that this lacks in terms of consitency and direction. There are enough ideas here to make 7 or 8 nice tracks - but none of them seem to get the oppurtunity to fully play them selves out.

09: The morning murderer
"The morning murderer" works pretty well, actually. It's a plain, almost straightforward morning-tune, but you have thos typical Sundance-sounds to spice it up and make it stand out in the sea of morning-music. Also an example of a track where ideas are allowed to be kicked around a little before they ar dropped in favour of something else.

10: Loneliness
The first half of this track makes me hope that someone hires this guy to do some chillout. Different elements morph together here, and this works very well! The second part of this track is more upbeat, and you can ceirtanly hear the black-metal influences here. Pretty refreshing, actually!

Final remarks:
Well, well...Looking back on this review I realize I may have seemed a bit harsh at times. It's not intended as bashing, though - by no means. I had huge expectations, and they were unfortunately not lived up to here. That being said it should be pointed out that this ceirtanly isn't a bad album. It just isn't great in an album-of-the-year sort of way. Planum ceirtanly prooves that he's got some serious talent and that he's got alot of great ideas spinning around in his head. On a few tracks he also manages to pull things together, and when he does, it's a pleasure listening to him. I'm really looking forward to the day this guy delivers 10 solid tracks on the same album!

Tomas(Psychedelic Mustache)

01 Deep (6:55)
02 More Action (7:25)
03 Album (6:40)
04 Innovate (8:01)
05 Disco Planum (6:23)
06 The Lost Music (6:58)
07 Aspect (7:23)
08 Future Sound Of Planum (8:29)
09 The Morning Murderer (7:35)
10 Loneliness (10:15)
Total Time: 76:04

My favorites:All except 10
Rating: 8.5/10

Planum - Elaborate (2005)

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СообщениеДобавлено: 23 Ноя 2005, 18:16    Заголовок сообщения:

если бы не последний трек...
За последний трек Илюхе отдельный респект! Илюха, респект! Аплодисменты


СообщениеДобавлено: 23 Ноя 2005, 22:58    Заголовок сообщения:

"Эх, не инфектед я - не машрум, но тоже парень хоть куда!"

Для меня это самый интересный альбом российского транса, выпущенный с момента выхода Zirrex "Lost In Time" в 1998 году - это огромный плюс.

Музыка очень экспрессивная, опыта в ее написании маловато - вышло кое-где довольно "пластмассово" и плоско, есть несколько корявеньких с точки зрения именно композиции фрагментов - это небольшой минус.

Стремление к качеству и разнообразию + несомненный талант - это огромный плюс!

В целом соглашусь с обзором и не буду ставить пятерку, хотя это также в какой-то степени чтоб своих чересчур не захвалить, альбом то в целом классный - браво, Обнинск!


СообщениеДобавлено: 23 Ноя 2005, 23:07    Заголовок сообщения:

а-а-а! последний трек - зе бэст!
супер музон! спасибо трансеру, что познакомил. сразу в фэвориц!


СообщениеДобавлено: 23 Ноя 2005, 23:56    Заголовок сообщения:

baldahin, зацени этот трек... записан Андреем Александровым aka Zirrex аж 8 лет назад! До сих пор рвет народ на танцполе! Все внимание после 4:30...


СообщениеДобавлено: 24 Ноя 2005, 0:39    Заголовок сообщения:

Elerium115 писал(а):
baldahin, зацени этот трек... записан Андреем Александровым aka Zirrex аж 8 лет назад! До сих пор рвет народ на танцполе! Все внимание после 4:30...

Tadarinda - один из лучших треков ,если не лучший,сделанных Zirrex'ом ,просто башню срывает Cool Ага


СообщениеДобавлено: 24 Ноя 2005, 19:46    Заголовок сообщения:

Скажу по секрету - новый альбом Zirrex уже записан и активно продвигается на запад... слушайте ЗДЕСЬ демки - все эти и еще три-четыре трека будут на альбоме.


СообщениеДобавлено: 29 Ноя 2005, 21:44    Заголовок сообщения:

Послушав этот альбом еще раз - теперь уже в профессиональных студийных наушниках снижаю оценку до 4-. Не тянет.


СообщениеДобавлено: 30 Ноя 2005, 2:24    Заголовок сообщения:

Elerium115, Растопыр Подмигивание

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