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Prana - Cyclone (1996)

16 Ноя 2005, 0:23

Prana - Cyclone (1996)

Label: Matsuri Productions
Catalog#: MPCD01
Country: Japan
Style: Psychedelic Trance

Я думаю знакомый некоторым из Вас любитель пыльных древностей и раритетного старья (то есть я) недавно обнаружил в бездонных архивах uem очередной шедевр давно ушедших лет в достойном качестве - замечательный альбом уже несуществующей легендарной группы Prana, выпущенный уже несуществующим легендарным японским лэблом Matsuri Productions. Группа была сформирована культовым персонажем для всех японских любителей техно-транса Tsuyoshi Suzuki и включала помимо него самого еще двух интересных людей - Andy Guthrie и Nick Taylor (один из самых интересных музыкантов в психоделическом трансе, известный по супер-проекту Snake Thing).

Альбом стал первым релизом Matsuri - самого экспериментального и узнаваемого по звуку лэйбла за всю историю пси-транс музыки. Prana выпустила через год еще один альбом состоящий в основном из ремиксов на треки из дебютного, Matsuri выпустил еще пару-тройку десятков дисков и успешно загнулся в 1999 году... а музыка эта осталась - космическая, сложная, интересная - вводящая в транс. Внимательно вслушайтесь в Scarab, Message For Eastedge, Starchild, Moretsu и ОАО "Неотсортированная электронная музыка" и ПБОЮЛ ''Стопятнадцатый элемент" гарантируют вам что вы ощутите первоначальную энергию мироздания... и предлагают знатокам языка Шекспира ознакомиться с трактовкой термина Prana пришедшего к нам из языка великого Махатмы Ганди.

Бом Шива!


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In Hinduism, Prana is the infinite matter of which energy is born. Also interpreted as the vital, life-sustaining force of both the individual body and the universe. Its first expounding came in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind. Prana suffuses all living form but is not itself the Atma or individual soul. According to Telles (2005) ancient Indian and Chinese texts contains an understanding of subtle energies (prana or chi) which operates outside of a western understanding of physiology. According to this worldview prana is understood to flow through a network of channels or meridians, so-called nadis. The three main channels are: the ida, the pingala, and the sushumna. The ida and pingala channels are said to correlate with left and right uninostril breathing. If Prana enters a period of uplifted, intensified activity, the Yogic tradition refers to this stage of Prana as Pranotthana (Sovatsky, 1998).

The popular understanding of prana as being the same as air, or the breath of the human body, could be said to be a misunderstanding, or a simplification of the concept. The incorrect assumption that Prana is breath arises from the popular understanding of the practice of Pranayama, in which the control of Prana is achieved (initially) from the control of one's breathing. According to Yogic philosophy the breath, or air, is merely a gateway to the world of prana and its manifestation in the body. In yoga, pranayama techniques are used to control the movement of these vital energies within the body, which is said to lead to an increase in vitality in the practitioner. However, the practice of these techniques is not trivial, and Kason (2000) mentions circumstances where pranayama techniques might disrupt the balance of a persons life. The possibility of adverse effects resulting from these techniques must therefore not be underestimated.

In practical terms, prana can be explained in various ways. Feelings of hunger, thirst, hot, cold, etc. in the body could, according to this worldview, be interpreted as pranic manifestations. All physical feelings or energies that arise or flow within the body might also be interpreted as evidence that prana is at work. The presence of prana is said to be what distinguishes a living body from a dead one. When a person (or any other living being such as an animal) dies, the prana, or life force, is thought to leave the body through one of several orifices.

From a scientific standpoint Prana is at the atomic level, down to the humble electron, and would, according to yogic interpretations, be what makes the electron move. It can be understood as energy, or matter, down to its finest possible state. Just as petrol is the fuel, or energy source for a car, Prana is the fuel for all energy, in fact, any motion.

Prana is also a term which can be further classified into subcategories, referred to as pranas. According to Hindu philosophy these are the vital principles of basic energy and subtle faculties of an individual that sustain physiological processes. There are five 'Pranas' or vital currents in the Hindu system : Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana. The pranas constitute the second sheath (kosa) of a human being (who is essentially the Atman or the Self). The kosas are listed below.

Annamaya Kosa (Gross Body)
Pranamaya Kosa (Vital Air Sheath)
Manomaya Kosa (Mental Sheath)
Vigyanamaya Kosa (Intellectual Sheath)
Karanamaya Kosa or Anandmaya Kosa (Causal Sheath)

01. Miko (Prologue) (3:05)
02. Kiba (7:29)
03. Indigo (Remix) (8:45)
04. Scarab (7:26)
05. Message For Eastedge (Trance Express Mix) (6:25)
06. Starchild (7:29)
07. Moretsu (Indigo And Baraka Mix) (7:43)
08. Future Space Travellers (7:23)
09. The Earth (7:56)
10. Taiyo (7:52)

Total Time: 71:46

My rating: 5+

Prana - Cyclone (1996)

10x 2 Trancer ft.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 21 Ноя 2005, 17:39    Заголовок сообщения:

Отличный древний трансовый альбом! Такое бы в CDDA, да в золотую коллекцию!
Только вот есть замечание к качеству, в третьем треке щелчок в начале...

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