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Goasia vs Omegahertz - Purple Energy 2 (2006)

28 Сен 2006, 14:50

Goasia vs Omegahertz - Purple Energy 2 (2006)

Label:Unicorn Music
Style:Goa Trance, Psychedelic Trance

Как и обещали ранее, выкладываем новый релиз греческого лейбла Unicorn Music, которым стал совместный альбом Goasia и Omegahertz, вышедший в рамках серии Purple Energy (напомню также, что в прошлом году мы выкладывали первый диск из этой серии Radical Distortion vs. Mendark - Purple Energy).К сожалению, даннный релиз не оправдал возложенные на него надежды, то есть оправдал, но только на 50%. Balint Tihamer aka Goasia выполнил на 5+ свою половину альбома, однако же Omegahertz по-настоящему разочаровал, не сделав ровным счетом ничего интересного Грустно

Review by X-scream
Purple Energy 2 just released, and of course I had to get it, seeing that half of the tracks were contributed by Goasia, a very promising act that I first discovered on Pure Planet. Enough intro talk now, let me guide you through the tracks..

1. Omegahertz- A Child From Another Planet: I had never heard any Omegahertz track before but since he was allowed to share an album with Goasia it should be good.. How wrong I was. The basic components of "A Child From Another Planet" are plastic fullon elements and loads of awkward 'goa melodies'. It's so annoying that I'm sometimes having a hard time listening to it.

2. Goasia - Yin & Yang: What a contrast to the previous track! Something that actually has an atmosphere and melodies that actually are beautiful and not ultra cheesy tinkling. Thank you Goasia. The track itself is quite a smooth journey and it has a certain repetiveness that not all 'new school' goa artists dare to have, and I sometimes feel they are hiding behind the constant melodies pumping out. Not much to complain about, maybe it should have had a longer more mellow intro?

3. Omegahertz - Primeval Civilization: Ok, let's give Omegahertz a new chance to proove himself. Primeval Civilization is the next track and damn, we're talking fullon nitzhonot here. After the first breakdown we get this terrible melody that sends my gag reflex out of control.

4. Goasia - Spectralys: Instant kick, no intro. And when the first melodies are introduced it's 100% Goasia sound. The complete track sounds quite similar to Yin & Yang but slightly more intense and powerful.

5. Omegahertz - Onar: After a short intro we're treated to a very unwelcomed Com.pact kiddy bassline. Not good, but perhaps a bit more listenable than the previous Omega tracks. I'm not going to waste words on telling you how bad or sometimes semi-OK this track is so let's move on.

6. Goasia - Spiritual Connection: Yeah! Track name straight out of Generic Goa Term Maker ™, and it starts of as the usual Goasia sound. The repetiveness of the melodies gives it a nice progressive-ish build that I really like. As the first melodies that built up a nice drive fades out I can hear some vocals that I swear I've heard somewhere else. Is that Michelle Adamson? The buildup is quite subtle and results in a massive intensity of swirling melodies and echoing female vocals, AMAZING!

7. Omegahertz - A Soul Rising...: Final chance now Omegahertz.. And yeah, it starts of quite OK but the ending is just... sigh.

8. Goasia - Totem: Starts of with a silky smooth intro with some nice acid bubbling in the background. I'm quite impressed how he manage to sound very 'goa' with a more modern touch. A lot of the other 'new schoolers' just sound too plastic but this is just great. One thing though.. you're kind of waiting for it to explode but unfortunately that doesn't really happen and that actually makes this 8 minute track sound a bit short!

I'm not sure wether the Goasia tracks sound more amazing than they should just because Omegahertz is so bad but I've quite settled for that that is not the case... The Goasia tracks are amazing and reason enough to buy this. The production of his tracks is quite samey but as long as it's this high quality stuff I don't mind..


01 Omegahertz - A Child From Another Planet (8:07)
02 Goasia - Yin & Yang (9:00)
03 Omegahertz - Primeval Civilization (7:52)
04 Goasia - Spectralys (7:58)
05 Omegahertz - Onar (8:03)
06 Goasia - Spiritual Connection (8:29)
07 Omegahertz - A Soul Rising... (7:37)
08 Goasia - Totem (8:12)
Total Time: 65:21

My favorites: 2, 4, 6, 8

Goasia vs Omegahertz - Purple Energy 2 (2006)

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СообщениеДобавлено: 28 Сен 2006, 22:10    Заголовок сообщения:

Мдааа... омегахерц это конечно нечто Down но и насчет гоазии я бы тоже особо не восторгался - абсолютно ничего нового, хороший рутинный гоа транс которому уже тыща лет, звучит не ахти как для 2006 года... вообще слабый релиз.


СообщениеДобавлено: 28 Сен 2006, 23:53    Заголовок сообщения:

Мдааа, товарищи. Читаю вас и не понимаю. Наверное, осень сказывается :-/


СообщениеДобавлено: 29 Сен 2006, 13:17    Заголовок сообщения:

афегенный гогашранец, всем советую

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