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Terra Ferma - The Adventures Of... (2000)

13 Авг 2006, 19:59

Terra Ferma - The Adventures Of... (2000)

Catalog#:plat 75 cd
Style:Trance, Hard Trance, Downtempo

Несколько дней назад вашему вниманию был представлен дебютный альбом Claudio Giussani aka Terra Ferma Turtle Crossing, сегодня же мы предлагаем вам познакомиться со вторым, и, к сожалению, последним, альбомом данного проекта, который увидел свет 29 мая 2000 года. Релиз получился весьма и весьма достойным, хотя, конечно, до первого альбома и не дотягивает. Из запомнившихся треков хотелось бы особо отметить: Spiritual Being, Homless и Sunrise. Cool

Review #1 (5 Jul 2001)
Anyone wishing to escape the vast amounts of trance/science-house dj mix albums should definitely consider adding this to thier collection. How refreshing to hear an album with progression as determined by the producer rather than the dj. Right from the start with the emotive vocals on "Don't Be Afraid" it's fairly obvious that this cd is going to come up with the goods. Science orientated beats gel fantastically well with ambient break downs, giving the whole cd a superb atmosphere. "Sunrise" is worthy of the cd alone. Excellent!

Review #2 (2 Jul 2001)
Now this is the real Terra Ferma and after I heard 'The adventures of' on a Gatecrasher CD I ordered myself to get this album. When I listened to it, I realised that it was not all like I thought it would be (great melody lines and perfect build up's with fantastic vocals) The first and second tracks are very good but then it looses it a bit but is still ok to listen to but 'The adventures of' is definatly the star of the album but I don't hate the ones which are'nt as good, they're just not as uplifting. The music is underground trance but is very uplifting, especialy in the tracks I mentioned earlier and you feel like your in a place like the photo on the cover! So - Underground fans will love this album but if you're a commercial fan then stick to 'The adventures of' and 'Keep moving' but don't buy the album if you want more of that because you won't get it.


01 Don't Be Afraid (7:35)
02 Keep Moving (6:04)
03 The Wolf (8:05)
04 Teeth Of The Jungle (7:32)
05 Spiritual Being (6:46)
06 Homeless (5:27)
07 Superstar (7:24)
08 The Adventures Of... (7:38)
09 Among The Stars (9:00)
10 Sunrise (9:01)
11 Epilogue (3:18)
Total Time: 78:00

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Terra Ferma - The Adventures Of... (2000)

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